Wednesday, September 10, 2014

i am making trouser for my sons...

aman is 11,  faaiz is 9.  i have been having problems buying trousers or jeans that fit them well.  the waist are always too big.  so i decided to make them myself.

i googled and found these on the net.  i print them out and used google translate to read the instructions.

these are the photos of the pattern and part of the instruction that i printed out.

yes.  they are in russian.

and these are the pattern that i drafted for faaiz and aman.



i spent a total of 2 days. it was not easy.  but i nailed it in the end.  and i am so pleased.

i apologise....the photos are a bit blurry.

i will be drafting one for my eldest son  and one for my husband.

then i will be making some prototypes.  here is the prototype.


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